Friday, May 7, 2010

Getting Away

I love working out of my home. Love it!

But there are down sides. Such as distractions, lots of distractions. Unimportant chores suddenly need to be taken care of immediately. Like being behind on my record keeping and filing which has kept for ages - until now. Anything to keep from actually doing my work.

But you know what is worse? When I am so caught up in a work project that I never leave the house. I wake up in the morning, get on the computer and work all day, then when night falls walk to the next room and go back to bed.

I did make it all the way out to the mailbox (which requires taking two steps from the front door) today which is where I found this flower for today's blog photo. I promise I will actually get more than two feet away from home tomorrow. Cross my heart.

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